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Workplace Flu Vaccinations in Los Angeles, CA

Veritas Mobile Vaccination Unit

red checkmark iconFight Costly Productivity Loss This Flu Season

Having sick employees can be a complex and exponential problem. A small percentage might be sick enough to take sick days. Others may only display mild symptoms and continue to work, not being as productive while spreading the illness to others. You also run the risk of employees passing flu or other illnesses on to customers or clients. All around, avoiding the flu is ideal. It is also possible with the flu vaccine and now extremely convenient with the help of Workplace Flu Vaccinations in Los Angeles via the Veritas Mobile Vaccination unit.

white checkmark iconOn-Site Workplace Flu Vaccinations by Veritas Healthcare

Los Angeles Workplace Flu Vaccinations Service

Blending cutting-edge organizational technology with compassionate and vigilant healthcare is what has brought Veritas Healthcare to the forefront of the mobile health screening and mobile vaccine administration industry in the Los Angeles area. All of our committed staff are extensively trained and experienced medical professionals who are passionate about making healthcare and public health simple, convenient, and portable. This includes our Los Angeles Workplace Flu Vaccinations service, which can help protect your employees, customers, and your surrounding community.

Los Angeles Workplace Flu Vaccinations models talking

How can providing flu vaccines help your business?

With supply chain shortages, employee scarcity, and general uncertainty in many marketplaces, knowing your employees are protected by workplace flu vaccinations and will be able to come to work, especially during cold and flu season, will give you peace of mind and will ensure your business is up and running at optimal capacity.

Offering flu vaccinations at no cost to the employee ensures:

  • most will take advantage of the benefit.
  • an improved level of immunity in the workforce.
  • a reduced risk of getting sick by up to 60 percent.
  • employees are more likely to stay healthy and not give flu to others.
  • reduces days of sick leave, meaning less interruption

Consider the cost of lost productivity due to the flu is approximately $1,000 per employee on average. This does not include direct medical costs associated with being sick. While the flu shot may not prevent everyone from getting sick, it can significantly reduce the risk and number of people affected, making the potential cost savings easy to see. The vaccines’ protection lasts from four to six months.

Additionally, offering a flu vaccine to your employees can tangentially lower premiums. By having more of your company's employees vaccinated can potentially have a positive impact on insurance premiums. Vaccinations can lead to a healthier workforce and reduce the risk of certain illnesses spreading within the workplace. This can result in fewer insurance claims related to preventable diseases, which could lead to lower overall healthcare costs for the company.

red checkmark icon Why is receiving the flu vaccine important?

Experts estimate that approximately 80 million sick days and an estimated $17 billion or more could be lost due to the flu.

This is a challenge for businesses, who, in some cases, are still fighting to keep their doors open, as well as many employees who need to keep food on the table for their families. In so many cases, Workplace Flu Vaccinations can eliminate or shorten the time and severity of flu symptoms and cut down on or avoid flu-related sick days altogether. With the complications added by COVID-19 and overlapping symptoms, getting workplace flu vaccinations is more important than ever to ensure that everyone stays healthy and tests negative.

Los Angeles Workplace Flu Vaccinations models at construction site Los Angeles Veritas Healthcare office staff

white checkmark iconWhy choose Veritas Healthcare?

At Veritas Healthcare, we recognize that busy schedules, fast-paced lifestyles, and pressing business needs, especially in Los Angeles, can lead to preventative healthcare getting pushed to the back burner. Our dedicated group of medical professionals has the mobile solution to keep your businesses, customers, families, schools, and communities running and staying healthy at the same time. With the option for your employees to avoid scheduling doctor's appointments, having to find a clinic after work hours, or struggling with insurance questions, mobile healthcare is healthcare made easy. They can simply have the flu shot or other mobile medical care come to them and conveniently access care at their workplace when they're already on-site.

Mobile Healthcare is Healthcare Made Easy

Schedule a Consultation

red checkmark iconLearn More About Workplace Flu Vaccinations by Veritas Healthcare Today

Keep your workplace safe and healthy by offering free flu vaccinations for employees with valid health insurance. To learn more about Workplace Flu Vaccinations Los Angeles employers should call us today to schedule a consultation at (310) 736-1580! You can also easily reach out to us online via our web chat function or through our contact form.

Workplace Flu Vaccinations Frequently Asked Questions

Veritas extends its services across the entire Southern California region, encompassing Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Orange County, and Ventura County. Our commitment lies in aiding the residents of these areas in addressing their diverse healthcare requirements.

There are multiple convenient ways you can contact us to book a Veritas Mobile unit for your workplace location. Call us at (310) 736-1580, live chat with us online, or fill out our simple Consultation Request Form.

We are all about customization for our clients and are able to tailor your workplace flu vaccination event to perfectly serve the needs of your employees and your business flow.

Yes, we offer a wide variety of testing, vaccination, and other mobile medical services, including COVID-19 vaccinations. Let us know what your healthcare vision is for your workplace, and we will do everything we can to make it happen.

The cost of the Veritas Mobile Vaccination will vary depending on the specifics of the event and if any added services other than the flu vaccine will be provided. There is no cost for any employee with valid insurance. The best way to learn more about costs and logistics is to contact us directly for a tailored consultation.

white checkmark icon Contact Veritas Healthcare today!

We believe in being vigilant when it comes to the health of those we love. Early testing, detection, and vaccinations can give us ways to fight back against viruses, cancers, and other illnesses that can interrupt our everyday lives. Veritas Healthcare wants to increase medical access that is beneficial for everyone. Contact Veritas Healthcare to learn more about how mobile health and wellness can benefit you and your people.